Room Reps

Room Representatives

Welcome to Whitestone Elementary's Room Representative page! As a Room Representative, you play a vital role in building a close-knit classroom community. As a Room Rep your responsibilities include...

  • Creating a user-friendly class directory that allows families to connect
  • Get ready to bring joy to the classroom by organizing engaging parties for winter break, Valentine's Day, and an end of the year celebration!
  • Beyond the classroom, by helping us to organizing a unique class basket for the Spring Carnival auction, supporting important fundraising efforts!
  • Organizing celebrations for teachers birthdays

Becoming the Room Representative for your child's classroom is a great way to get involved at Whitestone Elementary! Room Reps are a huge help to each teacher.

Join us in making Whitestone Elementary an even more wonderful place for everyone!

If you would like to become Room Rep for your child's teacher or have questions, please contact  

Whitney Lumpkin, Volunteer Coordinator,  [email protected]

Here is a link to our teachers favorites and a little info about them.